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Route Details

directions & map

The route isn’t signposted at present but is easy to follow. Our 3Parks Route Guide or the directions and route map below will ensure you don’t get lost. Times given are based on a leisurely 8 mph. Please note that all the route is shared with pedestrians so please be considerate and ‘share with care’.

The main route goes between Elmdon and Meriden Parks in Solihull passing through Sheldon Country Park in Birmingham. In the Country Park there is a loop and spur which takes you about 1 mile off the main route to the farm, playground and cafe at Old Rectory Farm.  

Download our 3Parks Route Guide (pdf) HERE
or use our map and detailed route directions below to plan your trip.


The route directions below describe a journey going north to Meriden Park direct or via Old Rectory Farm.

(Lettered reference points are marked on the map. Abbreviations L= left, R=right, SO = straight on).

Elmdon Park to Old Rectory Farm ( 2.3 miles, 17 minutes) or the Airport Viewing Area (1.9 miles, 14 minutes)

A. Starting from Elmdon Park lower car park (off Tanhouse Farm Road B92 9EY) Go on to the path at the far end of the car park. Follow the path past the lake and then SO beside the stream. Alternatively join the path nearer the playground, cross the bridge and turn L at the next junction.

(B. From the alternative upper car park by St Nicholas Church B92 9EJ, follow the wide path down the hill bearing R at the bottom. Go SO at the next junction to join the route below).

Follow this path for 0.5 miles eventually joining a quiet cul-de-sac (Streamside Way ) for 100 yards. Cross, with care, the next road (Valley Road) and rejoin the path leading to the busy A45 (Coventry Road).

C. Bear R to cross Coventry Road at the Toucan to rejoin the path opposite. Follow this for 0.7 miles, crossing the Hatchford Brook and ignoring the triangular path junction on the L.

D. To Visit Old Rectory Farm, the playground, cafe and St Giles’ Church, turn L at the next junction (to continue instead to the Airport Viewing Area go SO at this junction for 0.4 miles).

At the end go L onto the path besides Westley Brook. Follow this path for 0.5 miles crossing the brook twice.

E. Turn next R to reach the playground, farm and church.

Old Rectory Farm (Ragley Drive, B26 3TU) to the Airport Viewing Area (1 mile, 7 minutes)

F. From the car park take the path past the playground.

E. At the end turn L and follow the path along Westley Brook, Crossing it twice. At the path crossroads take the segregated path L.

G. Turn next R towards the wooded area. Continue SO to the viewing area.

Airport Viewing Area to Meriden Park (1.7 miles, 13 minutes)

Continue SO and at the next junction go L onto a narrower path to pass under the railway viaduct, eventually reaching a road (Bell Lane).

H. Cross at the toucan and rejoin the path opposite. Follow this wide path to the end.

I. At the road (Gloucester Way) go R on to the path beside the road across the bridge. Cross Gloucester Way with care to rejoin the route on the other side of Kingshurst Brook. Go SO for 0.7 miles, passing Alcott Wood and under two main roads. The brook widens into the wetland area as you enter Meriden Park. Go straight on to reach the playground and Adventure Playground.

Return to Old Rectory Farm and/or Elmdon Park by retracing your steps.

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Welcome to the 3Parks Cycle Route website launched by Cyclesolihull in Autumn 2020. This traffic-free route is being promoted as part of our work to encourage more cycling in and around Solihull.
We hope you will visit us again soon!

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